Basic Leadership Training
At the start of each school year for NJROTC we conduct Basic Leadership Training for new cadets. They are taught lessons in military drill, uniform preparation and wear, as well as discipline and respect. This is an essential step in the new cadets learning process which prepares them for the activities in our program.
NJROTC supports Grossmont High School events throughout the year, providing honor guard and color guard support for varsity football games and homecoming. The cadets really enjoy it.
Foothiller Shoot-outs
GHS NJROTC regularly hosts marksmanship matches for Area 22 units. Participating units enter 4 person teams to compete againts. Each team shoots in 3 positions, prone, standing and kneeling. The top 3 winners take home trophies.
Neptune Olympics
Area 22 schools host many fun events for cadets to take part in one of which is Neptune Olympics. It is a watersports event and sandcastle competition. This year we took 3rd place.
Annual Military Inspection
Once a year the unit conducts a military style inspection and pass in review. All the unit cadets are required to attend and demonstrate what they have learned throughout the semester in front of a crowd of school officials, and family and friends.
Area 22 Field Meet Events
Our unit participates regularly in Area 22 Field Meets in which our drill team competes in five different events ranging from military drill to relay races, against other NJROTC units in the area.
Orienteering Competition
This year we are dipping our toes into an event our program has not done before. It is called orienteering. We teach the team members how to land navigate using a map and compass. We then enter timed events in which the cadets are required to locate in order a number of control points along routes ranging from 2.3km up to 5km long.